HYGA Return to Rowing - Moving to Phase E (2+1) & preparing for Phase F (full crew)

13 Aug 2020 by Daniel

The HYGA welcomes the clarification from British Rowing (see https://www.britishrowing.org/2020/08/coronavirus-advice-clarification-fixed-seat/) that their ‘Coronavirus Advice – Returning to Rowing’ Guidance also applies to fixed seat rowing, and that full crew gig rowing can return from Phase F on 29 August.

With this new information, the HYGA encourages all clubs to take their time in planning their own safe return to rowing, creating and updating their risk assessments and procedures in accordance with BR guidance, which has been updated to reflect Fixed Seat Rowing (see page 29 of https://www.britishrowing.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/200813-Coronavirus-Advice-Returning-to-Rowing-v5-2.pdf ), for their local environment.

It is important that clubs recognise that some members may not feel comfortable returning to full crew rowing, and that any crew rowing should be subject to all individuals understanding the risk and agreeing to follow your club’s procedures.

Meanwhile, we look forward to seeing the first gigs back on the water under Phase E, in a 2 + 1 cox socially distanced configuration from this weekend.

- HYGA Committee